Spanish listening practice
Spanish listening practice

spanish listening practice

Don’t worry if you don’t understand every single thing the two people are saying. Can you understand what they are saying? Play the audio a few times before you look at the transcript. Now, play the audio to listen to a conversation in a ticket office. Please familiarise yourself with the following words and phrases before listening to the audio below: Listening to Spanish podcasts (along with movies and subtitled TV shows) is a good way to learn Spanish quickly, especially listening comprehension skills.When it comes to memorization, it is not as effective as using flashcards and spaced repetition, like the one in the MosaLingua Learn Spanish app. Use the following link to watch the corresponding video lesson of the original course: The transcript to the audio will be given at the end of the post but please try not to look at it until you have tried playing and understanding the audio a few times. Let’s test your listening comprehension and see if you can understand a short audio in Spanish. This lesson is part of a Spanish course that practices the grammar and vocabulary first introduced in my beginner Spanish course posted here on the Transparent Language blog.


This lesson continues on from the previous lesson in this course which also looked at how to manage when travelling in a Spanish speaking country.

spanish listening practice

As usual, first we will review some relevant grammar and vocabulary and then see if you can follow a short listening. In this Spanish lesson we will practice more about how to manage when travelling in a Spanish speaking country. Are there any websites for me to practice and improve my listening comprehension I prefer for these websites to have questions to test my knowledge on what I.

Spanish listening practice